Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Seeking ‘climate change adaption,’ crackdown on firearms, gun sellers

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 10/1/2011

The newly appointed chief of President Obama’s Social Innovation and Civic Participation Council is a member of a globalist organization whose activists can be found throughout the Obama administration.

Jonathan Greenblatt was appointed the new head of Obama’s Social Innovation Unit earlier […]

Obama’s ‘Jobs Bill’ Makes ACORN Eligible for $15 Billion in Taxpayer Money

The community organizing pigs again line up to feast at the taxpayers’ trough.

Matthew Vadum Pajamas Media 9/15/2011

ACORN and other radical left-wing groups would be eligible for up to $15 billion in federal funding if President Obama’s new economic stimulus package becomes law.

Now that public polling shows Americans are realizing that economic stimulus […]

Cuban Filmmaker Stonewalled in Trying to Tell the True Story of ‘Che’

Agustin Blazquez has produced a compelling film that demolishes the radical heartthrob’s reputation as a brave guerrilla fighting on behalf of the oppressed.

Mary Grabar PajamasMedia 2/17/2011

Among Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s final requests before he was executed by Bolivian forces in 1967 was that a message of hope be sent back to Fidel Castro: the […]

GOP set to roll out $2.5 trillion in cuts over next 10 years

…Obama – who has said he believes that cuts could hinder economic recovery if they are too draconian in the short term – is unlikely to support such a dramatic move to pull back on spending…

Ed Morrissey HotAir.com 1/20/2010

First came the ObamaCare repeal vote, and now Republicans on Capitol Hill will […]
