Farage: Margaret Thatcher knew the EU was power without limits

ukipmedia YouTube 4/17/2013

UK Independence party leader Nigel Farage speaks in the European parliament on the day of Margaret Thatchers funeral .

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Today The Blaze published excerpts from Prime Minister Thatcher’s books predicting “the EU as we know it.”


An op-ed piece from The Cape Cod Times, Mrs. Thatcher took the long […]

The Progressive End Game: Top Down, Bottom Up, Inside Out

I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.

~Mayor Michael Bloomberg


Glenn Beck 3/25/2013

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Top down, bottom up, inside out. It’s a strategy that’s been going for a hundred years that progressives have used to accomplish their agenda. The elites like Mike […]

Farage: ‘Get your money out now’

UKIP Nigel Farage on Cyprus bailout, and EU theft from the citizens, March 19th – 2013

UKIPmedia YouTube 3/20/2013

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Update: Cavuto: This Whole Confiscation of Funds Has Already Happened in America

…Fox News host and business expert Neil Cavuto is warning this isn’t simply a concept in some small, far away […]

The More Businesses Learn About Obamacare, The More Reluctant They Are To Hire

Wondering why the unemployment rate has been near or above 8 percent for nearly four years? The Federal Reserve has an answer for you: Obamacare.

Sally Pipes Forbes 3/18/2013

Earlier this month, the Fed released its latest “beige book” – a monthly report on economic conditions across the country. The book noted that employers across […]
