Journalist admits he perpetuated a lie with ‘hands up, don’t shoot’: I was wrong

Nicole Haas BizPac Review 3/17/2015

The revelations brought to light by the Justice Department’s investigations into the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., prompted a liberal journalist to write an online confession Monday that he had been wrong.

Johnathan Capehart’s Washington Post piece was titled, “Hands up, don’t shoot was built on a lie.”


Holder Admits ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Claim Was Bogus

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 3/4/2015

The “Hands up, don’t shoot” slogan used by Democrat activists since August 2013 is a complete falsehood, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder admitted Wednesday.

He acknowledge the faked story as he released the Justice Department’s investigation of the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo.

“I recognize […]

Justice Department ready to clear Darren Wilson

Kelly Cohen The Washington Examiner 1/21/2015

The Justice Department is ready to clear Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown.

Federal prosecutors have begun crafting a memo recommending no civil rights charges be filed against Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot the Brown in August in Ferguson, Mo. It is not clear when […]

Terrence Williams Is Cleaning Up Ferguson and Spreading a Message You’ll Want to Hear

Jamie Jackson The Daily Signal 12/2/2014

FERGUSON, Mo.—Terrence Williams, 23, is a St. Louis native working hard to change the narrative that has inundated this city over the past several weeks.

While riots and looting have turned Ferguson into a catalyst for the race debate in the 21st century, Williams takes to the streets with […]

Mysterious ‘Oath Keepers’ guard rooftops in downtown Ferguson

A member of the Oath Keepers (who did not want to be identified) watches the area north of the police station from the rooftop of buildings along South Forissant Road in the early hours of Friday, Nov. 28, 2014, in Ferguson. Photo by Huy Mach


Jesse Bogan Oath Keepers 11/29/2014

Following a […]

When a Disruptive Michael Brown Protest Put Him at Risk of Losing His Job, He Got Out of His Car and Had This to Say

Jason Howerton The Blaze 11/28/2014

Editor’s Note: This story contains strong language; viewer discretion is advised.

Demonstrators protesting a grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown brought San Diego’s I-5 to a halt as many residents were on their way to work Wednesday morning.

