Sharyl Attkisson charges Media Matters helps produce news reports for CBS

Thomas Lifson American Thinker 4/21/2014

Now that she has left CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson is revealing all sorts of interesting facts about the way news is shaped by ideologues. Appearing on CNN’s Reliable Sources (transcript)

Attkisson: “Media Matters, as my understanding, is a far left blog group that I think holds itself out to be […]

Schindler’s List Producer: ‘I now fear my government’


Producer believes charges against Dinesh D’Souza are politically motivated

Keith Farrell The Libertarian Republic 27 Jan 2014

The man who produced the award-winning movie Schindler’s List, which chronicled one man’s struggle to save the lives of thousands of Polish Jews during Nazi reign by employing them in his factories, says he has never […]

David Gregory tries to drag Rand Paul into the war on women.

Althouse 1/26/2014

…If the GOP wants to make an issue out of sexual harassment, hone it so that it really is good feminism, based in women’s autonomy and equality.

You know, Mike Huckabee was trying to use the idea of women’s autonomy. He tried to say that Democrats are infantilizing women, but he botched it […]

Obama senior adviser blames insurance company for cancerous woman’s plight

Patrick Howley The Daily Caller 11/4/2013

One of President Barack Obama’s senior advisers criticized a Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday from a cancer patient losing her health coverage because of Obamacare, and endorsed the idea that the woman’s insurance company is really to blame.

Daniel Pfeiffer, assistant to the president and senior adviser to the […]

CNN's Candy Crowley asks Sen. Rand Paul if he would consider switching parties

Glenn Beck 10/14/2013

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During his filibuster earlier this year, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was widely viewed as an enemy of the state by the mainstream media. During the more recent Obamacare and debt ceiling debates, however, Sen. Paul has taken a sideline approach as his colleagues like Senators Ted […]

If Americans rally to defund Obamacare, Senate support will follow, says Lee

Cheryl Carpenter BizPac Review 9/23/2013

U.S. Sen. Mike Lee told a national TV audience Sunday he believes he has the votes in the Senate to defund Obamacare.

“Is the government going to shut down?” NBC’s “Meet the Press” host David Gregory asked a panel of stakeholders.

“No,” Lee said. “We all know that the government’s […]
