Stimulus-Backed Green Energy Company ECOtality May Declare Bankruptcy

DOE suspends stimulus payments after company’s SEC filings

Lachlan Markay The Washington Free Beacon 8/12/2013

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has suspended stimulus payments to a major green energy company after the company said it is having trouble finding financing and may have to declare bankruptcy.

ECOtality admitted that possibility in a filing with […]

I Can Balance the Budget

John Stossel Real Clear Politics 2/2/2011

The Congressional Budget Office says the current year’s budget deficit will be a record $1.5 trillion. It also says that over the next decade we’re on track for annual deficits of “only” $768 billion. I suspect the CBO has hired Rosy Scenario to do the bookkeeping, but let’s take […]

The State Against Black

The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do. . . . And that is to destroy the black family.’

Jason L. Riley The Wall Street Journal 1/22/2011

‘Sometimes I sarcastically, perhaps cynically, say that I’m glad that I received virtually all of my education before it became fashionable for white people […]
