'Ted Cruz. Is there anything he can't do?'

Andy Ace of Spades HQ 2/13/2014

Ted Cruz. Is there anything he can’t do?

“House Republicans who supported ‘principles’ of immigration reform floated by Speaker John Boehner late last month grumbled Tuesday that the plan was dead on arrival because Cruz blasted it as ‘amnesty,’ spurring a blizzard of negative phone calls to House Republicans.”


Endgame: House passes clean debt-ceiling hike, 221-201

Allahpundit Hot Air 2/11/2014

Voting yes: 193 Democrats and just 28 Republicans. Boehner did, as expected, find the votes. Barely…


We’ve ended an era in which a GOP minority controlled the Senate and are entering an era in which a Democratic minority controls the House.

— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) February 11, 2014




Mark Levin talks to Cavuto, Beck

The Right Scoop 12/12/2013

Mark Levin was on Your World with Neil Cavuto today to discuss Boehner’s attack on conservatives as well as the budget deal and more.

Watch the video at The Right Scoop.


Also at the site, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck on the radio together discuss the Republican Party and more… […]

Peter Schiff, author who predicted economic crash, reacts to debt-ceiling deal

Faith Braverman The Daily Caller 10/17/2013

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Peter Schiff is a businessman and author that was known by many as “Dr. Doom” before he became widely credited with foretelling the U.S. economic crisis years before it occurred. During a phone interview, The Daily Caller picked his brain about the current economic crisis, the […]

Jim Rogers: US is exceptional…it's largest debt nation in the world!

RT YouTube 10/15/2013

There may be progress in US over the government shutdown and debt ceiling, but it’s not all good. The deal being talked about now wouldn’t resolve the crisis – but rather kick the can down the road setting the scene for another budget showdown early next year. For more on this RT […]

Truths and lies about the current government mess

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 10/15/2013

At the outset, the public cannot trust politicians in Washington or their mouthpieces in the media to tell the truth. Before making a discovery of the truth, one must start there or else you have shown you are too gullible to accept the real truth.

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Once we get […]
