Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Administration knew three months before the November 2012 presidential election of ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq

Administration knew of arms being shipped from Benghazi to Syria


Judicial Watch 5/18/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified […]

Benghazi Committee ‘Confirmed’ Forthcoming Testimony From Hillary Clinton, Will Interview White House Officials

Fred Lucas The Blaze 2/14/2015

The House Select Committee on Benghazi has “confirmed that the Committee will receive testimony from [former] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the next few months,” according to a memoprovided to members Friday.

The committee, according to the memo, will also interview numerous current and former Obama administration officials, including […]

Trey Gowdy is Coming After Hillary Clinton

Pete Kasperowicz The Blaze 2/6/2015

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) released a letter on Friday that said both Republicans and Democrats on his House Select Committee on Benghazi want her to testify about the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead in Libya.

“[B]oth the majority and minority would like to schedule the appearance of Secretary […]

The Full Benghazi Brief--Ghosts Beyond the Wire

sundance The Conservative Treehouse 11/10/2014

Grab a cup of coffee because it’s a long read with over 350 citations and reference source links for confirmational material. We think you’ll get hooked and find 95% of your Benghazi questions answered. And if you can find a factual flaw I’ll buy the coffee.. SD


We know […]

Chaffetz: Panetta Raises Benghazi Questions

Congressman Jason Chaffetz Facebook 10/10/2014



Post by Congressman Jason Chaffetz.



State Dept memos show security guards were bugging out months before Benghazi attack

Ed Morrissey Hot Air 9/12/2014

Hey, maybe this is why the embassy in Tripoli was so insistent on getting US Marines back for security in Benghazi. A FOIA request from Judicial Watch produced 130 pages of State Department documents regarding assessment of the use of local militias for security at the Benghazi consulate in the […]
