Dr. Ben Carson's Mic Drop Moment In Planned Parenthood Interview

Devastating, calm reason.

Caleb Howe Truth Revolt 7/28/2015

On Tuesday afternoon, GOP hopeful Dr. Ben Carson appeared on The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN to discuss the Planned Parenthood baby parts business model, and made some simple, obvious, but altogether inarguable points. One moment in particular stood out and was featured in a video […]

The statement Americans SHOULD have heard today from their President...

18 June 2015

“We all lose when senseless tragedies like this remove vibrant lives from our midst. May God give us the ability to rise above hatred and join hands and recognize that our strength is in our unity and love heals all wounds.”

~Dr. Benjamin Carson





Photo via […]

Ebola Tested Across the Nation; Government Suppresses Info

Warner Todd Huston Breitbart.com Big Peace 5 Aug 2014

After Tuesday’s Ebola update news conference in New York, confusion reigned on the “six” patients reportedly being treated for possible Ebola infections in the Big Apple. Breitbart News has learned that the confusion stems from there not being six potential Ebola cases in New York– it […]

Carson: White House wanted me to apologize for 'offending' Obama

FoxNews.com 4/15/2014

Conservative sage Dr. Ben Carson is claiming the White House was offended by his now-famous keynote address at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast and asked at the time for an apology call to President Obama — which he didn’t make.

The anecdote is found in Carson’s upcoming book “One Nation: What We Can […]

Ben Carson to huddle with lawmakers as he develops Obamacare replacement

Alex Pappas The Daily Caller 3/28/2014

As he develops his own conservative alternative to Obamacare, Dr. Ben Carson is making the trek to Capitol Hill next week to talk health care with Republicans.

The former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital is scheduled to meet with the lawmakers of the Congressional Health Caucus […]

'This is a great awakening. The Age of Obama is almost over.'

The ACU YouTube 3/8/2014

Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, author, television host and commentator, speaks at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014. Recorded at the American Conservative Union (ACU) Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2014, March 6-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.

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Update: Here’s why Dana Loesch can’t […]
