Left vs. left

Soros club for rich liberals flounders between short- and long-term goals

Matthew Vadum The Washington Times 4/5/2012

George Soros‘ Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for billionaire leftist political donors, has decided to drown Democrats and President Obama’s re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. Democracy Alliance, founded in 2005, is a financial clearinghouse […]

Campaign against Canadian Keystone XL pipeline driven by US foundation millions

“The president has been getting help from his allies on this. These are President Obama’s friends and it’s an election-year issue. Obama approved the [Alberta] Clipper pipeline in 2009. The only difference was that he wasn’t running for re-election.”


click on the image to enlarge

David Martosko The Daily Caller […]

By Evidence, George Soros’ Prediction of ‘Evil’ in America is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

US Debt: $15.2 Trillion Unfunded liabilities: $117 Trillion Liability per taxpayer: $1,038,835 Bankruptcy: Not if, but when. Source: U.S. Debt Clock

James Simpson Gulag Bound 1/24/2012

Generally speaking, George Soros cannot be trusted with anything he says. He is a calculating liar, and not nearly as smart as people credit him.

However, […]

#Occupy’s ‘nerve center’ staffed by Soros activists

Professional radicals caught red-handed running so-called ‘leaderless’ movement

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 12/9/2011

The so-called leaderless Occupy movement has just been caught red-handed operating what appears to be a nerve center staffed by professional agitators deeply tied to groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros.

The groups, most prominent among them being the Tides Center, have […]

Days Before Rage: Protesters are Dupes of Rothschild/Soros Banksters

New Updates ~ Are the protesters learning the banksters they’ll be (so peacefully) “raging against” are the ones sponsoring them?

Arlen Williams Gulag Bound 9/13/2011

Scroll down for Multiple Updates -The Bound are running to and fro, collecting and analyzing intel on the fake-anarchist Marxist malcontents putting these events together. We are checking out […]

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states

Chuck Neubauer The Washington Times 6/23/2011

A small tax-exempt political group with ties to wealthy liberals like billionaire financier George Soros has quietly helped elect 11 reform-minded progressive Democrats as secretaries of state to oversee the election process in battleground states and keep Republican “political operatives from deciding who can vote and how those votes […]
