Can you find a defender of the Perry indictment anywhere on the political spectrum?

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 8/16/2014

IT’S COME TO THIS: Mia Farrow: Rick Perry indictment ‘doesn’t identify a law he violated. Looks like politics not felony.’

Related: Dershowitz ‘Outraged’ by Perry Indictment.

Plus, an extensive analysis from prosecutor Patrick Frey. “Words truly fail to describe what an outrageous and unsupportable abuse of prosecutorial power this is. The […]

Generation Cupcake Does The Crime, Doesn’t Do The Time

Michael Graham The Natural Truth 12/13/2013

“Affluenza” is just another way to say “Generation Cupcake”–spoiled snowflakes who’ve been sheltered their entire lives and have no notion of personal responsibility. Like this guy:

“Affluenza,” the affliction cited by a psychologist to argue that a North Texas teenager from a wealthy family should not be sent […]
