2014's sleeper issue: A bank nobody's heard of

Eric Bradner Politico 7/13/2014

The 2014 campaign season’s got a sleeper issue: a government bank most people have never heard of.

The Export-Import Bank, a federal entity that has handed out loans to American businesses in relative obscurity for years, is suddenly a political flashpoint — either a symbol of government-sponsored corporate welfare, as some […]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau already sinking into scandal

Jazz Shaw Hot Air 6/21/2014

It’s great to have Uncle Sam looking out for the little guy, isn’t it? That’s why it was such a super-duper, nifty idea for Washington to summon into being the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It was created as part of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act back […]

Judicial Watch Obtains Records Detailing Obama Administration’s Warrantless Collection of Citizens’ Personal Financial Data

Judicial Watch 6/27/2013

Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained records from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) revealing that the agency has spent millions of dollars for the warrantless collection and analysis of Americans’ financial transactions. The documents also reveal that CFPB contractors may be required to share the information with “additional government […]

The other ObamaCare middle class tax hike arrives in 2014. Update: Don’t forget: The coming death-tax dropkick

“The new tax will raise families’ insurance costs by as much as $7,000 over a decade. And as is the case with the other tax increases, the blue states will be hardest hit…we are looking at the death of the private market, with single-payer as the only option.“


John Hayward Human Events […]

Krauthammer: Obama’s Not Trying to Fix Our Fiscal Problems, He’s Trying to Destroy Republicans

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 11/27/2012

Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the ongoing fiscal talks in Washington DC on Special Report:

“Obama’s proposal to raise rates on the rich is a triviality…It would reduce the deficit from $1.1 trillion to $1.02 trillion. Eight cents on the dollar. It’s nothing. It’s lunch money. It’s a rounding error. And […]

Elizabeth Warren Struggles To Answer Basic Questions In First Presser As MA Sen-Elect

Tony Lee Breitbart.com Big Government 12 Nov 2012

Massachusetts Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, in her first press conference last Thursday after defeating Sen. Scott Brown, displayed a glaring lack of knowledge and confidence about the issues voters presumably elected her to solve and the campaign she had just run.

In fact, Warren, a liberal professor whose […]
