Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI Plan to Seek Criminal Charges of Obama Opponents

Judicial Watch 7/7/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal […]

Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal

Edward Klein The New York Post 3/14/2015

It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy.

Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.

But she did so through people outside the ­administration, so the story couldn’t be […]

‘This White House is Nixon on Steroids!’ – Democrat Pat Cadell

Soopermexican The Right Scoop 3/8/2015

Democrat Pat Cadell went a little nuts on Fox News, but his rant was warranted, as many have wondered at the suspicious timing of the Menendez corruption charge. While the case had been investigated for more than a year, all of a sudden the charges were filed right after Menendez […]

Anti-Jarrett Author Faces Backlash – Scrambles For Cover

D.W. Ulsterman Ulstermanbooks.com 11/17/2014

Last week The New Republic’s Noam Scheiber (among other media figures) published a not entirely gushing/supportive view of the role and influence Valerie Jarrett has upon the Obama White House. This week the author of that piece is now offering a bit of a revision to the original work after receiving […]

A look at Valerie Jarrett

Neo-Neocon 11/11/2014

…The TNR piece presents both Obama and Jarrett as alike not only in their high opinions of Obama, but as similar in other ways: drunk with power, and personally petty and vengeful.

(The article doesn’t go into it, but I can guess the identity of the little birdie who whispered in Obama’s ear […]

Holder to Cruz: No Conflict Having Obama Donor Investigate IRS Scandal

Andrew C. McCarthy The Corner National Review Online 3/20/2014

I know you’ll be shocked to hear that Attorney General Eric Holder has rejected Senator Ted Cruz’s call for an independent prosecutor to probe the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. I wrote about the senator’s demand when he made it two months ago (see here; see […]
