Rep. Steve King: Obama 'Is Preparing to Violate the Constitution Again'

Caroline May Big Government 20 Oct 2014

President Obama “is preparing to violate the Constitution again” and the administration’s recently issued draft solicitation for vendors that are able to prepare millions of ID cards is the latest indication, according to Rep. Steve King (R-IA).

King said Monday in an interview with Breitbart News:

This […]

Rand Paul tells the world what his first act as president would be

Matt Naham Rare.US 9/12/2014

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) traveled up to New Hampshire to visit Generation Opportunity’s chapter there and made some bold remarks after one person in the audience asked whether he’d repeal executive orders if he were elected president…

…Paul spoke to Boyle after the event and reiterated he was serious about lawlessness […]

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

The move could trigger impeachment proceedings against President Obama, said his senior adviser, Dan Pfeiffer. A spokesman for the House speaker called the impeachment comments ‘political games.’

Francine Kiefer The Christian Science Monitor 7/25/2014

WASHINGTON — President Obama will go ahead with a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer – a move […]

The picture of the illegal immigrant 'children' that Obama really doesn’t want you to see…

Joshua Riddle Young Conservatives 7/7/2014

When talking about the crisis at our border, a lot of people, mostly liberals, but even some on the right, are saying this is a crisis about “children”. Do these people look like children to you?

I won’t hold my breath for the media formerly known as mainstream to report […]

Obamadelphia, DC: the New US Capital

Bill Whittle PJ Media YouTube 7/3/2014

Why should Washington be a slur any longer? Our first President has nothing to do with the way the town named for him has become synonymous with narcissism, overburdening regulation and cowardice. No, this city looks more like Obama’s vision, rather than Washington’s.


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Obama weighs executive hammer

Benjamin Goad and Ferdous Al-Faruque The Hill 7/1/2014

President Obama is weighing executive actions after the Supreme Court ruled against ObamaCare’s contraception mandate.

The White House swiftly called on Congress to enact a legislative fix but realistically knows lawmakers aren’t about to act.

Obama has come under criticism from Republicans for his use of executive […]
