War on Free Speech: Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80K in Islamic supremacist suit

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 11/28/2014

In a chilling setback for free speech, my dear friend and colleague Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay the outrageous sum of $80,000 to an Islamic supremacist in what is the latest in an unending string of sharia based lawsuits to suppress and silence the truth.

“It is a […]

Revealed: How green zealots gagged professor who dared to question global warming

Professor Lennart Bengtsson’s study was rejected and branded ‘harmful’ This sparked accusations that scientists are censoring findings The 79-year-old is one of the world’s most eminent climate scientists Last week, he resigned from the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s advisory council


David Rose The Daily Mail [UK] 17 May 2014

Ground-breaking climate research that […]

Lend Blazing Cat Fur a hand

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 2/10/2013

In early January I wrote about the lawfare being waged against Blazing Cat Fur, the Canadian blog, Support Blazing Cat Fur.

The litigation is over, but the substantial legal bills remain.

You would be doing a good thing if you lent them a hand.

Contribute to the Blazing Cat […]

The fight for free speech in Canada is not over

Brian Lilley Lilley’s Pad 2/8/2013

Last June many of us who had been fighting to end Canada’s ridiculous internet censorship law breathed a big sigh of relief. Conservative MP Brian Storseth’s bill to remove section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act had passed third reading and was on its way to becoming law.

Yet […]

Legal Defense Fundraiser Monday Night for Canadian Blogger BlazingCatFur

Tomorrow-January 7th- Is The JDL Fundraiser For Blazingcatfur

via BlazingCatFur December 2012

Hope to see you all there!

The Jewish Defense League Calls On Our Supporters To Attend An Emergency Fundraiser For Blogger Blazingcatfur

Radical Muslims are attempting to shut down Blazingcatfur.

Monday January 7TH, 7:30 PM

Toronto Zionist Centre, 788 Marlee Avenue

For […]

Did you know about these shootings in Aurora?

Mother Of Pastor Shot, Killed Outside Aurora Church

CBS Local Denver 4/22/2012

Two people were shot and killed Sunday afternoon outside a church in Aurora.

The church is located at 10868 East Bethany Drive.

The shootings happened around 3 p.m. while a service was ending at the New Destiny Christian Center.

Police said two vehicles […]
