Standing Ovation: Rand Paul Blows Away Liberal Black Audience With Conservative Message at Bowie State

Matthew Boyle Big Government 14 Mar 2015

BOWIE, Maryland — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was a hit speaker on the campus of Bowie State University on Friday, earning several rounds of applause and a standing ovation for the conservative message he delivered to a predominantly liberal audience at the historically black university—part of an […]

'You were born for times such as this.'

Glenn: This time of year brings back the memories of the good and the bad

Glenn Beck 12/15/2014

…There are days especially this time of year that I still feel alone. But the darkness no longer can whisper its lies. I’m no longer willing to believe, at least for very long.

The truth is, I’m […]

Europe is dying, says France’s leading demographer, and Britain would be better off with the Anglosphere

Daniel Hannan The Telegraph [UK] 7/11/2014

One of this blog’s constant themes is that Britain is shackled to a corpse: the EU is the only trade bloc on the planet that is not growing economically.

It’s important to understand that this decline is not a temporary blip. Although the euro crisis has accelerated Europe’s slide, […]

Children Need Fathers

Rocking MrE YouTube 2/26/2012

Thanks to reputable research it is finally possible to prove the necessity of fathers.


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Happy Father’s Day!

‘Communists have long hated marriage and family, preferring that the state raise children…’

Don Surber 2/7/2014

…Communists have long hated marriage and family, preferring that the state raise children, which is now the preference of the American Left, too. The beginning of the campaign against the American family traces back to the 1950s. Liberals mocked the time of peace and prosperity as bland. Toward the end of the […]

We Need More Amazing Pro-Family Commercials Like This One…

…For Coke From Argentina

Soopermexican for Independent Journal Review 12/14/2013

As pundits love to tell us, you can’t change politics without changing culture first–politics is “downwind” from culture. That’s why I wish we had more commercials like this one that affirms families and children.

It’s from Argentina, so don’t freak out when there’s Spanish at […]
