The other ObamaCare middle class tax hike arrives in 2014. Update: Don’t forget: The coming death-tax dropkick

“The new tax will raise families’ insurance costs by as much as $7,000 over a decade. And as is the case with the other tax increases, the blue states will be hardest hit…we are looking at the death of the private market, with single-payer as the only option.“


John Hayward Human Events […]

Cultivating Tobacco Harmful to Farm Kids? Labor Secretary Under Fire for ‘Overly Broad’ Regulations

Matt Cover 3/15/2012

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis faced congressional opposition Wednesday over the Obama administration’s proposed regulations that would curtail what choreschildren are allowed to do on their own family’s farm.

Among other things, the Labor Department wants to bar children under age 16 from participating in the cultivation, harvest and curing of tobacco; […]

Congress sticks it to U.S. farmers, consumers, with passage of ‘food safety’ bill

~That government is best which governs least~

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Congress sticks it to U.S. farmers with passage of food safety bill that will actually cause fresh produce to be more dangerous

Mike Adams Natural News 12/22/2010

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2751 yesterday with a 216 to 144 […]

New Senate Bill Threatens Small Farmers

by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 13 2009

On July 29, 2009, the House of Representatives passed HR 2749, the Food Safety Modernization Act, and the next step in the process will be the Senate.

Although it is not certain, the Senate will probably focus its food safety discussions on S. 510, sponsored by Senator […]

One view of what is wrong with HR 2749

From a blogger who has read the bill:

Localvore Fresh Oregon Foods

Op-Ed by Kimberly Hartke: HR 2749 is not about “food safety”

[How Congress Voted on HR 2749]

HR 2749 (Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009) Passes House A Commentary by Kimberly Hartke

Cathy Raymond, of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund reports that The U.S. House of Representative passed HR 2749 by a vote of 283 to 141. The next step for the bill is the Senate. […]
