‘Horrible’: Video Captures Woman Seemingly Sobbing Because of TSA Patdown

Erica Ritz The Blaze 4/15/2012

Gateway Pundit captured heart-wrenching video of a woman seemingly sobbing because of a TSA “patdown” at an airport in the Midwest this morning.

In an article beginning with the phrase, “War on Women,” the author continues:

Have any of you had this horrible experience yet?

You’re going through security, just […]

LA Slimes & Media Mutters Not Offended By Racist Cartoons Of Condi Rice

Marooned in Marin 1/7/2012

I wrote yesterday about the phony outrage directed at Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit by the LA Slimes, which was ginned up by the George Soro$ funded, tax exempt organization, Media Mutters. Of course, there was no racism implied in the photoshop, just mockery of Moochelle Obama as living it up […]

LA Times: Parody of Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette is Objectively, Factually Racist

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 1/5/2012

…The caricature of Obama as a profligate queen relies on the racist stereotype of an “uppity Negro,” which emerged among slave masters in an earlier American era. Obama, born into a working-class Chicago family whose roots are traced to the pre-Civil War South, graduated from Princeton University and Harvard […]

Campaign stop, pep rally, game show, or memorial service for murder victims? Update: photo removed from Flickr

“Obama: The Hardest Working Man in Show Business” ~The Anchoress, 1 July 2009

If White House Was Surprised by Applause at Tucson Pep Rally… Why Did They Ask For It On Jumbotron?

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 1/15/2011

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that they were surprised by the applause […]

More Incompetence… Crude-Sucking Barges Ordered By Gov. Jindal Shut Down By Feds

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 6/17/2010

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal looks on as barges loaded with vacuums to clean oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill depart a marina in Empire, Louisiana June 17, 2010. (REUTERS/Lee Celano)

Against Governor Jindal’s wishes the federal government blocked oil-sucking barges today because they needed to confirm that there were fire […]

G20 Drops Obama’s Keynesian Economics

G20 Drops Obama’s Keynesian “Spend Your Way Out of a Recession” Economics

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 6/5/2010

Thank goodness.

There is some sanity in the world. It took the death of FDR to lift the United States out of the last Great Depression. Fortunately, we may not have to wait 4 terms this time.

The G20 […]
