White House Presses States to Reconsider Mandatory Ebola Quarantine Orders

Marc Santora and Michael D. Shear The New York Times 10/26/2014

The Obama administration has expressed deep concerns to the governors of New York and New Jersey and is consulting with them to modify their orders to quarantine medical volunteers returning from West Africa as President Obama seeks to quickly develop a new, nationwide policy […]

Will Gov. Chris Christie defend the Second Amendment?

New Jersey man to State Assembly on gun control: ‘I will not comply’   Joe Newby Liberty Unyielding 3/19/2014

…Nine-year-old Shyanne Roberts, a highly skilled competitive shooter, compared the proposal to students who cause an entire class to get in trouble.

“Because of them we lost recess time every day for two weeks, even though […]

Is Chris Christie Less Believable Than Tawana Brawley?

Ann Coulter Townhall.com 1/15/2014

I agree with MSNBC. I find it hard to believe that Gov. Chris Christie knew nothing about his staff’s plotting a massive traffic jam on the ramp to the George Washington Bridge for political retribution.

On the other hand, I also find it hard to believe that Obama didn’t know his […]

Top Christie Staff Sought Lane Closings as Revenge

Kate Zernike The New York Times 1/8/2014

A series of newly obtained emails and text messages shows that Gov. Chris Christie’s office was closely involved with lane closings on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge in September, and that officials closed the lanes as retribution against the mayor whose […]

Rush Limbaugh Reveals Why GOP ‘Didn’t Want a Tea Party Candidate’ to Win in Virginia

Jason Howerton The Blaze 11/6/2013

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said his prediction in the Virginia governor’s race came true on Wednesday when Republican Ken Cuccinelli lost to Democrat Terry McAuliffe. In Virginia, Limbaugh argued, “the GOP simply didn’t want a Tea Party candidate winning there.”

“They just didn’t,” he said. […]

McAuliffe & Obama Hold Rally in Virginia… Tea Party Breaks Out

Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit 11/3/2013

…Obama lied. Your insurance died. Your Doc is gone. What more could go wrong??? Terry McCauliffe could be governor.

A nice crowd turned out for the rally…

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The complete article is at The Gateway Pundit.


CAJ note: The video was posted by YouTube subscriber Lowell Feld […]
