UVA Law Prof Who Supports Gay Marriage Explains Why He Supports Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 3/29/2015

Douglas Laycock, a professor at the University of Virginia Law School, writes in an email:

The issue with respect to Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) is whether people should be allowed to practice their religion, even when their acts would otherwise be illegal, if they are not doing any […]

19 states that have ‘religious freedom’ laws like Indiana’s that no one is boycotting

Hunter Schwarz The Washington Post 3/27/2015

Indiana has come under fire for a bill signed Thursday by Gov. Mike Pence (R) that would allow businesses to refuse service for religious reasons. The NCAA has voiced its concern ahead of Final Four in Indianapolis next week, there are calls to boycott the state, and Miley Cyrus […]

Once Again Barack Obama Bashes America To United Nations

D. W. Ulsterman UlstermanBooks.com 9/24/2014

His dislike of America appears to be terminal at this point. Nothing much more to say than here is “our” president speaking before the United Nations and making certain to take time to share his negative views of the country he is to be leading. Perhaps the United States is […]

30 States Wage War on 'ObamaCore'

‘They thought people would be sheep and roll over, but it hasn’t turned out that way’


New York City families protest Common Core (Photo: WNYC)



Karen VanTil Gushta WorldNetDaily 3/2/2014

Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series of stories about Common Core, the controversial new educational agenda aimed […]
