Even Before Long Winter Begins, Energy Bills Send Shivers in New England

Katharine Q. Seelye The New York Times 12/13/2014

…For months, utility companies across New England have been warning customers to expect sharp price increases, for which the companies blame the continuing shortage of pipeline capacity to bring natural gas to the region.

Now that the higher bills […]

White House Quietly Releases Plans For 3,415 Regulations Ahead Of Thanksgiving Holiday

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 11/24/2014

…the most fought-over rules to be finalized by the EPA next year will be its redefining of the “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The EPA will issue its redefinition next year, according to the agenda.

Federal lawmakers from both parties, along with companies from […]

Report: EPA Exceeds Its Authority With Proposed Rules

Peter Fricke The Daily Caller 8/19/2014

Congress should use the appropriations process to reassert its authority over the Environmental Protection Agency, according to a Heritage Foundation issue brief released Tuesday.

The report, written by scholar Daren Bakst, identifies three issues on which the EPA has proposed rules and regulations that exceed its authority. In all […]

If emissions regulations hurt Australia, why do Democrats want them for America?

Spencer Brown The Washington Examiner 7/21/2014

…Australia’s tax on emissions was intended to create a disincentive to emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide, but Abbott asserted that the carbon tax was hurting the Australian economy. After successfully getting the regulations repealed, the carbon tax officially ended July 17, retroactive to July 1.

Australia’s Department of […]

Emperor Obama Issues Another Executive Order, Mandates Tougher Fuel Standards For Heavy Trucks To Fight Global Warming…

Zip Weasel Zippers 2/18/2014

President Obama will again bypass Congress and take executive actions to promote his agenda on Tuesday – this time by ordering the federal government to develop the next round of greenhouse gas standards for medium- and heavy-weight trucks by March 2016.

Back in Washington from a three-day trip to California, Obama […]

Global warming is just HALF what we said…

…World’s top climate scientists admit computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong

Leaked report reveals the world is warming at half the rate claimed by IPCC in 2007 Scientists accept their computers ‘may have exaggerated’

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has changed its story after issuing stern warnings about climate […]
