Supreme Court ruling legalizes same-sex marriage

Lydia Wheeler and Ben Kamisar The Hill 6/26/2015

The Supreme Court in an historic 5-4 ruling on Friday said there is a right to same-sex marriage in all 50 states, delivering a monumental win for gay and lesbian couples across the country.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, often the swing vote on the court, sided with its […]

Limbaugh: What if Jihadists Demand Sharia Law for Gays, Women in the US?

Jack Coleman NewsBusters 5/5/2015

The kneejerk response from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was boilerplate liberal apologia for the jihad — yes, Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller and her American Freedom Defense Initiative have the right to organize a Draw Muhammad contest, but doing so was deliberately provocative and “caused” two fanatical Islamists to open fire outside […]

Quote(s) of the day: From our leader, @iowahawkblog

1 April 2015


Say what you want about Neville Chamberlain, but he at least got a piece of paper to wave around.

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 27, 2015



US peace partners Egypt & Saudi Arabia ready to invade US peace partner Yemen to fight US peace partner Iran


Indiana’s Law Is Not the Return of Jim Crow

Jonah Goldberg National Review Online 4/1/2015

…The war for gay rights has been won, and that’s basically fine by me. But there are a few holdouts — most famously devout Christian wedding planners, florists, photographers, and bakers — who don’t want to be part of such things. Why a gay couple would want a photographer […]

'Anyone else tired of this crap?'

Steven Crowder via Facebook 3/31/2015



Oh, the inconsistencies. Anyone else tired of this crap?

Posted by Steven Crowder on Tuesday, March 31, 2015


  Related: George Will To Apple CEO On ‘Horrible’ Indiana: But You Do Business In Homophobic Saudi Arabia? (video)

…GEORGE WILL: There’s nothing more […]

Obama’s monsters ball: How the White House opened its doors to some of Africa’s most evil dictators and homophobes and turned blind eye to their human rights record

Leaders were invited to the White House for the first ever US Africa summit Included were dictators and despots with shocking human rights records Obama’s speech barely acknowledged the oppression rife across Africa


Corey Charlton and Ted Thornhill The Daily Mail [UK] 6 August 2014

President Barack Obama drew a diplomatic line at […]
