It’s Happening In Real Time. Pay Attention.

Is This Blog On? 2/18/2014

It’s time to pay attention, liberals, because the downfall is happening in real time. No need to crack a book to learn history’s lessons of the end run of socialism. Just turn your eyes to Venezuela.

Think of not being able to buy soap, rice or toilet paper or order […]

Peter Schiff, author who predicted economic crash, reacts to debt-ceiling deal

Faith Braverman The Daily Caller 10/17/2013

cialis medication

Peter Schiff is a businessman and author that was known by many as “Dr. Doom” before he became widely credited with foretelling the U.S. economic crisis years before it occurred. During a phone interview, The Daily Caller picked his brain about the current economic crisis, the […]

How Long Do We Have Before Seeing Hyperinflation?

One Expert’s Answer May Frighten You

Erica Ritz The Blaze 10/2/2013

David Buckner, the founder and CEO of Bottom Line Training and Consulting, an adjunct professor at Columbia University, and the author of “Permission to Think,” explained on the Glenn Beck Program Wednesday why America hasn’t yet seen hyperinflation — but why it could be […]

Mark Levin Transcript: What happens when the system collapses?

Doug Ross Director Blue 3/16/2013

A caller to Thursday’s Mark Levin Show [MP3] had an interesting question regarding the inevitable result of the Obama Democrats’ outrageous deficit spending.

Curtis: We talk about all of this out-of-control spending, we have the CBO reports, the GAO, the Medicare Trustees, I mean how much time do we really […]

Peter Schiff talks about recovery, inflation, debt and investment…

JB3DProductions YouTube 2/26/2013



Update: Have you ondered why your government’s non-military agencies needed to purchase over a billion rounds of ammo? Well, someone has said aloud what many have been thinking:

Palin: Washington buying bullets for us ‘We’re going to default eventually and that’s why feds are stockpiling’

…Palin says the feds […]

Trust Me, This Time Is Different

Tyler Durden Zero Hedge 2/26/2013

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog

By 1789, a lot of French people were starving. Their economy had long since deteriorated into a weak, pitiful shell. Decades of unsustainable spending had left the French treasury depleted. The currency was being rapidly debased. Food was scarce, and expensive.

Perhaps […]
