Disabled Marine rifles at inauguration signal shift in administration policy

David Codrea Gun Rights Examiner 2/9/2013

“Didn’t know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in […]

DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse

Doug Hagman Canada Free Press 2/7/2013

The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the […]

Obama’s dangerous charge of ‘absolutism’

Keith Koffler Opinion Politico 1/28/2013

A nation should be concerned when it seems its leader has tired of the grueling work of democracy.

One of the most remarkable and frightening aspects of President Barack Obama’s inaugural address was his dismissal of his opposition – presumably the House Republican caucus – as “absolutists” who are without […]

Word Clouds

Jeff (ILoveCapitalism) GayPatriot 1/23/2013

I admit the ‘word cloud’ technique is a pretty sketchy way to analyze a speech. Still, it can be fun…

…the main point, for me, is simply the prevalence of “must” in Obama’s speech. As others have remarked: In his vision of the world, no one who opposes him ever does […]

Like I told you, in Rhode Island unions are the state

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 1/21/2013

I have pointed out before how In RI, Public Sector Unions Are The State and how behind almost every Democratic politician there stands a union.

So the latest news is not surprising. Via ProJo, Laborers’ union again gives two R.I. Senate leaders six-figure compensation:

Annual reports showing the overlap […]

2013 Misfits Inauguration Ball

20 January 2013

You’re invited to the 2013 Misfits Inauguration Ball! Tomorrow night on TheBlaze TV, Glenn Beck will host champions of freedom, smaller government, and the Constitution (those no longer welcome in Obama’s America). Join the party at 5pm ET and SHARE this invitation with your friends! Get all the details at GlennBeck.com

