Record-breaking $358K raised for ‘Sweet Cakes’ Bakery for Christians who refused to make lesbian wedding cake

Barbara Boland The Washington Examiner 7/15/2015

The Christian owners of the Oregon “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” bakery had until this past Monday to pay a financially-crushing $135,000 fine for their refusal to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding — but a crowdfunding campaign set up for them has raised $358,500.

Aaron and Melissa Klein, […]

Reporter 'Silenced' by CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare

Fox News Insider 11/16/2014

Fox Business Network anchor Melissa Francis dropped a bombshell on her show Friday, revealing that when she worked at CNBC, she was silenced by management for questioning the math behind ObamaCare on television.

In the shocking clip (below) that has picked up major traction on social media, Francis explains that […]

ObamaCare Architect Doesn’t Know the Difference Between Birth Control and Blood Transfusions

Daniel Greenfield FrontPage Magazine 7/5/2014


…The justices in the majority go to great lengths to state that the Hobby Lobby decision is limited to contraception. But no principle differentiates contraception from blood transfusions or vaccines—or, for that matter, any other health-care services that employers find objectionable on sincerely held religious grounds.

I realize that […]

RAND Corp Comes Clean: Obamacare's Exchanges Enrolled Only 1.4 Million Previously Uninsured Individuals

Avik Roy Forbes 4/9/2014

Last week, I wrote about an article in the Los Angeles Times, on a then-as-yet unpublished report from the RAND Corporation. The report indicated that only one-third of Obamacare’s purported 7.1 million exchange sign-ups were from the previously uninsured. But Noam Levey, the author of the Times article, didn’t disclose RAND’s […]

Fallon Mocks Obamacare Enrollment Numbers

Katrina Trinko The Foundry 4/2/2014

Comedian Jimmy Fallon isn’t buying the hype over the 7.1 million Obamacare enrollees announced yesterday.

“It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory, and fine people if they don’t do it, and keep extending the deadline for months,” cracked the Tonight Show host. “It’s like a […]

Alan Dershowitz offers to help #FreeJustina, says law is CLEAR and on the side of the parents

The Right Scoop 3/29/2014

Alan Dershowitz told Huckabee tonight that if everything we know about the #FreeJustina case is true, then this is a horrible abuse of human rights and of civil liberties. He said that Massachusetts law is clearly on the side of the parents, pointing out that if there is a conflict in […]
