Friday Document Dump: Clintons Wanted to Force Militias to Register With Federal Government

Sancho Panza Soopermexican 10/11/2014

As expected, a large document dump was dropped on Friday at the start of a three-day weekend, hoping most Americans wouldn’t pay attention. Politico reports on many of the revelations from Clinton’s term as President, but this one about militias is especially interesting:

In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, […]

IRS scandal deepens

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 6/24/2014

As new disclosures were revealed today by top level managers in at least two federal agencies, one fact has become all too clear. The IRS scandal has vastly deepened, and more people were involved than Americans were previously led to believe. The scandal is so broad, in fact, that government […]

'You personally did not cause the targeting. You personally did not destroy the emails. But by your actions and your deception, you now own this scandal.'

‘We have a problem with you, and you have a problem maintaining your credibility’: House Republicans slam IRS commissioner as they subpoena a White House lawyer in ‘missing emails’ case

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified Monday in a rare evening hearing, just days after being called a liar in another House proceeding He defended the […]

Listen As Members Of Congress Gasp When IRS Admits To Destroying Evidence; Paul Ryan Explodes With Fury

D.W. Ulsterman 6/20/2014

The loud gasp comes at the 30-second mark. You can see IRS Commissioner John Koskinen glance nervously in the direction of the sound, knowing full well he is standing atop an incredibly slippery slope here. The destruction of that hard drive (along with six others – all linked to the IRS […]
