Let’s set aside the ‘obviously insane’ conclusion for now [Fritzworth]

OpenBlogger Ace of Spades HQ 7/21/2012

One would think we have learned nothing from the 20th century.

Among the various news reports and statements by officials today, in the wake of the Aurora shootings, is a constant refrain that the shooter himself, James Holmes, is obviously insane, deranged, or otherwise non compos mentis — indeed, […]

Learning to say IDK

Matt Welch Opinion USA Today 7/21/2012

Even before most Americans had found out that a dozen moviegoers in Aurora, Colo., had been pitilessly gunned down, allegedly by a young man named Jim Holmes, ABC News reporter Brian Ross was already linking the massacre to an odd if familiar suspect: the Tea Party.

“There’s a Jim […]
