Soros Backs New ‘Progressive Agenda’ With $159 Million

Left’s new ‘Contract with America’ is backed by at least $159 Million from George Soros.

Alatheia Larsen MRC Business 5/12/2015

In an effort to revitalize and unify the far-left Democratic party, progressives have relied on the very thing they often criticize — the deep pockets of a billionaire supporter. Agenda supporters were linked to […]

White House Economic Adviser: ‘We Need a Global Minimum Tax’

Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 2/13/2012

Gene Sperling, director of the White House’s national economic council, said today at an official meeting, “We need a global minimum tax.”

The Weekly Standard reported:


Here’s what Sperling had to say:

“He supports corporate tax reform that would reduce expenditures and loopholes, lower rates for people investing and […]

It’s another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Envisions ‘New Economic World Order’ no longer dominated by 1 superpower

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 10/14/2011

A George Soros-funded economist taught a course to the Occupy Wall Street protesters purportedly to help the activists better understand what caused the global financial crisis.

Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz also recently addressed the so-called social protests rocking […]

Surprise! Soros’ Fingerprints All Over September 17 OccupyWallStreet ‘Demands’

Brenda J. Elliott Klein Online 9/12/2011

The tipoff for George Soros’ involvement with the September 17 anti-banker OccupyWallStreet direct action comes by way of , an “Expat activist, lover, info-geek” who is “trying to play [her] role on the #globalrevolution.”1

Khatib wrote yesterday — on behalf of the “citizens and non-citizens” of The General Assembly […]

Soros Event Sets in Motion New Attacks on Dollar

Bretton Woods conference accelerates push for new world currency.

Dan Gainor Business & Media Institute 4/20/2011

It’s been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from […]

Two George Soros Events Aim to Remake the Financial Order and the Media: So Where’s the Reporting?

Dan Gainor Opinion 4/6/2011

Apparently, megalomaniacs need schedulers.

Just ask George Soros. The left-wing billionaire is helping fund two major conferences that start on the same day, in two different locations just a three hours apart by car. Two liberal events packed into one long weekend. God created the world in six days. Apparently, […]
