Goldman to Fidelity Call for Calm After Global Stock Wipeout

Weiyi Lim and Inyoung Hwang Bloomberg 2/4/2014

…Strategists from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to AMP Capital Investors and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are also telling clients to hang on after losses that began with currencies in Turkey and Argentina spread to developed markets. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slid 2.3 percent yesterday, capping its […]

Eric Holder’s kickbacks for community organizers

Jazz Shaw Hot Air 12/7/2013

The government has quite the tidy little deal going in terms of getting money out of large banking interests lately. The latest example was the $13B dollar “settlement” reached with JP Morgan, which certainly must have taught them a thing or two. But some observers have been digging into the […]

How the Fed is creating a new feudalism

Conn Corroll The Washington Examiner 3/16/2013

Over a decade ago in 2001, the Federal Reserve planted the seeds of the 2008 financial crisis by lowering its target for the federal funds rate from 6.25 percent to 1.75 percent. Since this interest rate is a benchmark number used throughout financial markets, many first-time homebuyers were able […]

Iranians used University of Michigan network in recent bank attacks

Iran Strikes Back

Bill Gertz The Washington Free Beacon 10/15/2012

Iranian hackers took over a University of Michigan computer network during a massive cyber attack on U.S. financial systems last week that continued following comments on the strike by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

According to reports by a leading Internet security-monitoring firm, the cyber attacks […]

Texas bank launches constitutional challenge to Dodd-Frank financial reform law

AEIdeas American Enterprise Institute 6/21/2012

If the U.S. Supreme Court throws out President Obama’s healthcare law this month, the only other remaining major achievement from the president’s first term would be, arguably, the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

But that may be in jeopardy, too.

A Texas community bank is today filing a challenge to Dodd-Frank, […]

Did Obama give Jamie Dimon presidential cufflinks?

JPMorgan Chase boss shows off inscribed set at senate banking committee

Gift: The cufflinks, pictured, are believed to be a gift from the White House

The Daily Mail [UK] 16 June 2012

The boss of one of America’s biggest banks has been snapped wearing a set of presidential cufflinks, prompting speculation that they […]
