Deconstructing Bill Ayers

Jack Cashill American Thinker 10/18/2013

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…I knew the Rudds and Ayerses of the world too well. I went to school and worked at summer camps with them. In my experience, they were to a person smug, self-righteous, indulged, affluent, and more than a little insecure about their very softness. By 1969 I knew […]

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids

Last week NYU Law announced that former Weather Underground member and convicted murderer Kathy Boudin would be a scholar-in-residence. She’s the latest in a series of former left-wing radicals with cozy university appointments. Michael Moynihan on how left-wing criminals ended up lecturing America’s college students.

Michael Moynihan The Daily Beast 4/10/2013

…take former Black Panther […]

Kathy Boudin, Columbia Professor: The Whole Story

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 4/4/2013

And it’s a very ugly story.

The Days of Rage scared off much of the mainstream support for the SDS, leaving only the most radical. In December of 1969, the SDS War Council was held in Flint, Michigan. Largely led by members of the Weather Underground, what came to […]

Bizarre: Former Felony Murderer Is Now a Professor at Columbia; Meanwhile, Pediatric Neurosurgeon with No Criminal Record is a ‘Monster’

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 4/2/2013

A strange juxtaposition of stories from Hot Air. Convicted felony murderer Kathy Boudin is an adjunct professor at Columbia.

But Ben Carson is, according to the left, a “monster.”

He saved lives while Kathy Boudin was ending them. Obviously he’s a monster and she’s a Distinguished Intellectual. Nice leftwing […]

Hugo Chavez Militarily Confiscating Farms of Venezuelan Patriots? Using Foreign Forces?

Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, & Arlen Williams Gulag Bound 12/21/2010

Late Sunday night, we began to see sketchy reports from individuals that farmers in the region of Sur del Lago, Venezuela were being attacked by Venezuelan as well as foreign military, all directed by Hugo Chavez.

Initial and unconfirmed reports allege that fellow perpetrators […]
