Kenyan cops shutdown Obama family connected radical Sunni madrassa

Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner 9/30/2014

“While discussion of Obama’s connections to his Muslim family in Kenya is an acceptable topic for discussion in the Arab world, it is viewed as a great taboo in the United States. But why is that so? This taboo should be considered unfair at best, purely prejudiced at worst. […]

Obama Aunt Who Stayed in US Illegally Dies at 61

Denise Lavoie Associated Press 4/8/2014

President Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango, who was denied asylum in the United States but stayed illegally for years, died Tuesday at age 61.

Onyango, whose immigration status was reported by The Associated Press days before Obama’s election in 2008, had been treated in recent months for cancer and respiratory […]

“When I heard the words ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and the gunfire, I knew we were in trouble”

BigFurHat iOwnTheWorld 9/27/2013

Tell that to John McShitstain:


Allahu Akbar is just like when a Christian says, “Thank God.” – John McCain


Letter from Kenya: Surviving Westgate Men with large rifles or machine guns fired into the crowd, he said. Some children fell, shot; others lay down. He described the gunmen […]

Was July 7 bomber widow Samantha Lewthwaite among Kenya attackers?

Intelligence officers are trying to establish whether a white woman reported to be among three dead hostage-takers in Nairobi is the British terror suspect Samantha Lewthwaite.


Mike Pflanz and Aislinn Laing in Nairobi, Gordon Rayner and Tom Whitehead The Telegraph [UK] 23 Sep 2013

A Kenyan intelligence officer and two soldiers each claimed that […]

Religion of Peace™ slaughters, injures non-believers in attack on affluent Nairobi shopping mall

‘We Only Want to Kill Non-Muslims’: Al-Shabab Jihadists Kill 39

Mary Chastain Big Peace 21 Sep 2013

An upscale mall in Nairobi, Kenya was attacked on Saturday when gunmen threw grenades and opened fire on patrons. At least 25 have been killed and 50 wounded, but those numbers are expected to grow.

The Westgate […]

British Take to Streets to Protest Barbaric Woolwich Beheading

Breitbart News Big Peace 25 May 2013

After the brutal and barbaric murder of an off-duty soldier in Woolwich on Wednesday, Britons took to the street to protest in a massive rally led by the controversial English Defence League. EDL leader Tommy Robinson told the rally in Newcastle, “We cannot allow this soldier’s death to […]
