Why the Woman Who Interviewed Abortionist Kermit Gosnell Couldn’t Speak for More Than Hour Afterward

Erica Ritz The Blaze 5/19/2015

Ann McElhinney recently interviewed Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder, for a movie she and her husband are making about the man. She said she couldn’t speak for more than an hour after the interview concluded because of how profoundly disturbing the experience was.


Hillary Clinton: ‘Religious Beliefs Have To Be Changed’ to Accommodate Abortion

Joel Gehrke National Review 4/24/2015

Hillary Clinton believes that “religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” in order to expand access to abortion.

Clinton said today that it’s not enough to legalize the procedure. “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for […]

Rand Paul: I’ll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It’s Okay to ‘Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn’t Born Yet’

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 4/8/2015

Oh yes.

When quizzed on his about his views on abortion, Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul avoided the gotcha game and told NH1 reporter Paul Steinhauser to ask DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz if it was okay to “kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus.””Why don’t we ask the […]

Grand Jury report on the crimes of Kermit Gosnell, read by Ann McElhinney

Phelim McAleer YouTube 4/10/2014

Ann McElhinney (Producer, Gosnell Movie) reading an extract from the Grand Jury report on the crimes of the abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.



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Update: Incomprehensible Horror: A Nearly Unbearable Video From The Producer Of The Gosnell Movie (video)

This is a new video released […]

Wendy Davis: ‘I don’t know what happened in the Gosnell case’

Texas state senator says women who support limit on late-term abortion ‘don’t really understand’ the issue.

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 8/5/2013

Texas state senator Wendy Davis spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Monday afternoon about her 13-hour filibuster of a bill limiting late-term abortion, her life story, and her future in […]

Pelosi: Late-Term Abortions ‘Sacred Ground’

Top House Democrat can’t explain moral difference between Gosnell slayings and late-term abortions.

John McCormack The Weekly Standard 6/13/2013

At a Thursday press conference, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi condemned a bill that would prohibit abortions during the final four months of pregnancy with exceptions for when the life or physical health of the mother […]
