Quote of the day

26 December 2010

…Procedurally, we all should care. This is a textbook example of what I have been warning. Obamacare simply is the infrastructure. The details and the demons will be worked out in regulations.

The fact that such a controversial change was kept quiet for so long, and that the […]

Coakley Thug Roughs Up Reporter

CAJ UPDATES 1/13/2010: From Powerline: McCormack has also tentatively identified his assailant as a Blue Line Strategic Communications principal consulting with the DSCC on media for Coakley by the name of Michael Meehan.

And, William A. Jacobson of LegalInsurrection.com via Powerline: William Jacobson argues that “this photo may change the election.” Then again, it may […]

Executing Paralyzed Hasan “Barbaric”

by Prof. William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection Sunday, November 22, 2009

Executing Paralyzed Hasan “Barbaric”

It is reported that Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, is paralyzed. So you knew this was coming:

How barbaric that the military will seek to kill a man with no sensation in his body from the chest down. He […]
