Clinton emails ignored growing crisis of anti-Western violence in Libya

Byron York The Washington Examiner 5/24/2015

…”It is worth noting,” the State Department report concluded, “that the events above took place against a general backdrop of political violence, assassinations targeting former regime officials, lawlessness, and an overarching absence of central government authority in eastern Libya.”

The unspoken conclusion was that such a level of violence, […]

NYT: Hillary Confidante Counseled State Department on Behalf of Business Interests While Employed By Clinton Foundation

Andrew Stiles The Washington Free Beacon 5/18/2015

Longtime Clinton confidante Sid Blumenthal advised Hillary Clinton’s State Department during the conflict in Libya, the New York Times reports. Blumenthal’s unofficial involvement in State Department affairs, which occurred while he was on the payroll of various Clinton-related organizations, was more extensive than previously known, and is likely […]

Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Administration knew three months before the November 2012 presidential election of ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq

Administration knew of arms being shipped from Benghazi to Syria


Judicial Watch 5/18/2015

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified […]

Was Hillary running a secret intel network?

Ed Morrissey Hot Air 3/28/2015

If the motives to wipe the hard drive on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server weren’t already crystal clear, a new development last night put it in Ultra HD. Gawker’s Jeff Girth and Sam Biddle uncovered a secret, private intelligence network run by Sidney Blumenthal for Hillary’s benefit, apart from the State […]

Nearly Six Years After Obama’s Cairo Speech, Middle East in Total Disarray

Fred Gedrich National Security 2 Mar 2015

The Arab world is rife with political turmoil and violence. The Sunni Muslim Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and other jihadi terrorists are continuing their savagery within its boundaries, and Iran’s theocratic terrorist rulers are still exporting and/or solidifying their brand of the Shiite Muslim Islamic […]

Walid Shoebat Exposes How Obama's Policies are Part of Master Plan to Revive Grand Caliphate

Walid Shoebat The Right Scoop 2/21/2015

Years ago, hints on questioning Obama’s loyalty to the U.S. was considered conspiracy theory. Today Americans are becoming increasingly more suspicious struggling to find rhyme or reason for Obama’s latest Middle East policies. Rudy Giuliani seems to attribute Obama’s policies to be influenced through his affiliations with radical socialists […]
