Anita Moncrief: White Privilege movement is mostly about power, very little about race

Anita Moncrief Progressives Today 5/20/2014

Anita Moncrief weighs in on the White Privilege movement in America:

In a series of investigative reports posted last week, Progressives Today has exposed the far left radical agenda of the White Privilege Conference (WPC).

On the surface the conference and White Privilege movement is supposed to be about how […]

Deconstructing Bill Ayers

Jack Cashill American Thinker 10/18/2013

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…I knew the Rudds and Ayerses of the world too well. I went to school and worked at summer camps with them. In my experience, they were to a person smug, self-righteous, indulged, affluent, and more than a little insecure about their very softness. By 1969 I knew […]

#Occupy May 1st

Occupy Student Debt Althouse 4/28/2012


Nice poster… but what’s going on? There’s this:

The Occupy Student Debt Campaign, organised by members of Occupy Wall Street, planned rallies in at least a dozen cities including the college towns of Ann Arbor in Michigan, Madison in Wisconsin, and Newark in Delaware, the home of the […]

‘Our children aren’t there to be subjects of teachers and teachers unions.’

Althouse 12/10/2011

“But the decisions that have been made in the Madison Metropolitan School District for a mighty long time have been determined by adults getting what they need first before kids.”

Said Kaleem Caire, president of the Urban League of Greater Madison, who has been trying to get approval for the Madison Preparatory Academy, […]

NY Times’ poster child for #OccupyWallStreet not what he seems (Update: Cole responds)

William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 10/4/2011

The NY Times Dealbook section takes a very sympathetic look at the Occupy Wall Street protests, On Wall Street, a Protest Matures.

The article leads with a feature on Andrew Cole, who arrived from Madison, Wisconsin (shock!) where he recently lost a job:

“I think a good deal of […]

Quote of the day

15 August 2011

Last week Wisconsin blogger and University of Madison law professor Ann Althouse was with her husband and son filming a sing-along when she was roughed up by a union protester. You can read her posts and see her videos at

There is video at, posted 8/12/2011:

Ann Althouse: In the […]
