Obama Will Be Furious With Admin Officials Who Just Let This New Scandal Slip To The Public

Committee chairman Fred Upton did just that, asserting that “now we know that when HealthCare.gov was crashing…”

B. Christopher Agee Western Journalism 8/18/2014

According to recent reports, an email sent just after the rollout of ObamaCare enrollment website HealthCare.gov shows that at least one administration official did not want to leave a record of communication […]

Oh, by the way, 90% of people without insurance won’t have to pay ObamaCare’s mandate penalty after all

Allahpundit Hot Air 8/7/2014

Another reminder that when the economic realities of this boondoggle collide with Democrats’ political priorities, the economics ultimately must bow. The first hard lesson in that was the “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” fiasco. It was never true that people could keep their old plans if […]

Caller To Mark Levin Show: Patients Over 70 Who Need Neurosurgery To Be Called ‘Units’ Given ‘Comfort Care’ Under Upcoming Obamacare Rules

If someone comes in at 70 years of age with a bleed in their brain, I can promise you I’m not going to get a bunch of administrators together on an ethics panel at 2 in the morning to decide that I’m OK to do surgery.

Marooned in Marin 11/23/2011

A neurosuregon from […]
