Daley: Tax increase backers ‘out of their mind’

Chicago Breaking News 9/10/2010

About 200 people filled the Westinghouse College Prep gymnasium on Chicago’s West Side Friday night for the city’s second budget hearing.

Before taking questions, Mayor Richard Daley sought to stem criticism over a record $655 million shortfall by pointing to the dismal state of the national economy.

“This is a much […]

Calling in the World Court against the Gun Trade

Walter Olson Cato @ Liberty 7/12/2010

…Chicago Mayor and long-time anti-gun advocate Richard Daley convened an assembly on global issues at which (per the Chicago Sun-Times) he “convinced more than a dozen of his counterparts from around the world to approve a resolution urging ‘redress against the gun industry through the courts of the world’ […]

Chicago approves tough new handgun restrictions in wake of Supreme Court ruling

NRA lobbyist promises new lawsuits in response to ordinance approved by Chicago City Council

Don Babwin The Associated Press via Law.com 7/6/10

The Chicago City Council on Friday approved what city officials say is the strictest handgun ordinance in the nation, but not before lashing out at the Supreme Court ruling they contend makes the […]

Malkin: Olympic-sized boondoggle: What Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama are up to

By Michelle Malkin September 18, 2009

In Culture of Corruption, I spotlight the intimate relationship between Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s crony lawyer Valerie Jarrett and First Lady Michelle Obama.

Jarrett’s slum lord record in Chicago is highly relevant to her current and ongoing pursuit of Chicago’s 2016 Olympic bid — which will cost taxpayers nearly […]
