Obama’s Liberal Media In For A Big Surprise…

Dr. Kevin “Coach” Collins The Western Center for Journalism 11/30/2013

Don’t tell anyone, but there is a super top secret bill the sneaky Republicans are putting together that so far has eluded the media’s notice. It’s gaining support right under their noses, and they don’t know a thing about it. Not even the media’s Democrat […]

“Greetings, America” from the British National Health Service: Docs Removed Wrong Testicle

Florida Pundit 3/22/2010

Via Mark Steyn on National Review’s The Corner, here is a report from England to welcome America to the club of European civilized, socialist welfare states:

A patient was left infertile after doctors operating on his testicle removed the wrong one. … Care at the hospital had previously been rated “good” […]

Pelosi’s Gift to Insurance Companies: Immunity from Lawsuits

BigGovernment.com 11/5/09

From CNSnews.com:

Buried in the thousands of pages of the health care bills drafted by Democrats in the House and Senate is a provision to protect insurance companies from legal accountability for benefit decisions that cause injury or death to patients, Republicans warned on Wednesday.

“You can sue your doctor for malpractice if […]
