CA’s NOW endorses Jerry Brown after he calls Whitman a whore

CAJ note: We said it in 2008 when Sarah Palin was selected to run with John McCain and as we’ve watched her being savaged every day for more than two years. We’re saying it now: feminists are hypocrites. Feminism is a failure. Feminism is dead.

Womens group endorses Brown on same day as ‘whore’ comment […]

Whitman Fires Back at Allegations

CAJ note: As we promised…

California gubernatorial candidate says Democrats have launched a smear campaign

Hannity Fox News Channel 10/1/2010

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Greta Destroys Lib Hack Gloria Allred: ‘Gloria, This is Almost Delusional’

CAJ note: a couple of us are on the road this evening and from our hotel room watched Sean Hannity and Greta van Susteren cover the charges against California candidate Meg Whitman of employing an illegal immigrant for nine years. Sean did a fine job of interviewing Whitman and showed a 30 year old photograph […]

Whitman a “huge fan” of Van Jones?

CAJ note: We first posted this video in another article in September 2009. It’s worth reviewing.

Phelim McAleer Not Evil Just Wrong 06 August 2010

Meg Whitman, the Republican candidate for Governor of California, just loves Van Jones.

Yes, it is true. She says she is the huge fan of the environmental activist who […]

Jerry Brown Urges Unions to ‘Attack’

by Publius 3/17/2010

From today’s LA Times:

Faced with the daunting prospect of being significantly outspent by his Republican opponent, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown spoke to a labor group Tuesday and urged them to go on the offensive.

“We’re going to attack whenever we can, but I’d rather have you attack,” Brown […]

Right Turn on the Left Coast?

George Will Real Clear Politics 2/11/2010

SAN FRANCISCO — Political speculation swirls. Meg Whitman, billionaire former eBay CEO and leading candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in California, supposedly prefers not to run in tandem with Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, who is seeking the Republican Senate nomination to run against the three-term Democrat, […]
