GOP Rep: House Passed VA Bills Collecting Dust On Reid's Desk

Larry O’Connor YouTube 5/22/2014

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Related: Memorial Day: Obama and the Faculty Windbags’ Waterloo

…Many have wondered about Barack Obama’s prolonged silence concerning the disastrous situation at the Veterans Administration hospitals and then his odd detached demeanor (well, maybe not that odd for him) when he finally did discuss it at a […]

The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 5/25/2014

White House PR Move Mistakenly “Outs” CIA Station Chief In Afghanistan.

So this is a lot worse than the Plame thing, right, where Richard Armitage outed a non-covert desk jockey and somehow Scooter Libby was punished. Can we expect the same degree of press attention? Note how the Post invokes the […]

Liberals Wanted to use the VA as a Model for National Health Care

Daniel Greenfield FrontPage Magazine 5/23/2014

ObamaCare could have been even worse. (via James Taranto)

In 2009, the Campaign for America’s Future, a collection of influential lefties within the Democratic Party, ran a blog post that proposed to use the VA as a national health care model.

CAF events had featured Obama, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth […]

Remembering on Memorial Day Weekend

Slim Paley 5/25/2013



It begins with my mother’s recollection of a visit to Belgium on her honeymoon 50+ years ago…

…My father’s grandfather had been a soldier in the 1st World War. He lost his life, alongside literally thousands of others that day in Belgium, in 1915. Seemingly […]

Sen. Ted Cruz, Allen West honor our veterans

Sen. Ted Cruz honors our heroes with heartfelt Memorial Day tribute

Twitchy 5/25/2013

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Read the article at Twitchy.


Related: In this video at Next Generation TV Col. Allen West wishes everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day, and asks that we all remember the true meaning of this solemn holiday.

And…Allen West […]

Boston Globe Admits that Food Deserts ‘aren’t as common as the rhetoric suggests’

Peter Wilson American Thinker 5/29/2012

Conservatives have been highly skeptical from the beginning about the fixation of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign on the elimination of “food deserts.” For example, two years ago I wrote an article for AT, titled “Federal Anti-Obesity Initiative to Eliminate Food Deserts,” which concludes, “you can’t force people to buy […]
