The difference between a protest and a riot

Michael Graham Show News Radio 106.7 via Facebook 4/27/2015    

  Related: Baltimore Sun Reporter Saved From Mob by Store Owner Armed With Shotgun  


Baltimore Mom Catches Her Son Rioting, Beats His A** In Front Of Everyone (video)

There was looting and rioting on the streets of Baltimore Monday that left several […]

Shep Smith Gives Harrowing Description of ISIS Burning Prisoner

MediaNews YouTube 2/3/2015

As you are likely aware, most American media outlets have an unspoken ban on showing images from the recently-released footage of ISIS forces burning alive a Jordanian pilot they’ve held captive for several months. Fox News anchor Shepard Smith complied with that prohibition on Tuesday afternoon, but felt it was necessary for […]

Why America Needed ‘American Sniper’

Michael Graham News Radio 1067 Atlanta Live 1/18/2015

…When it was over and the credits were rolling, I watched a packed theater full of people walk out in silence. I’ve never seen that happen before. That’s how powerful an emotional impact American Sniper made on us as viewers.

But I hope the content of the […]

'For this, 12 people were murdered. Our hearts are breaking.' #CharlieHebdo

The Charlie Hebdo Covers the Terrorists Didn’t Want You to See


A 2012 issue featuring the satirical drawing titled “Intouchables 2.” (Photo: Newscom)



Kelsey Harris The Daily Signal 1/7/2015

Two police officers and 10 employees were killed by three gunmen this morning at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris. Witnesses […]

The Reformation of Manners

Mark Steyn Steyn Online 8/29/2014

On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham’s radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South Yorkshire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were “groomed”, drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, […]

The Latino Child Eric Holder Booted Back Home

Humberto Fontova Human Events 7/11/2014

Attorney General Eric Holder can hardly contain his tears when explaining his program titled, “Justice AmeriCorps,” to provide emergency legal representation for the tens of thousands of Central American minors crashing our southern border.

“How we treat those in need, particularly young people who must appear in immigration proceedings, many […]
