Russia’s President, A Regular (Groucho) Marx?

By Ed Carson Investor’s Business Daily Nov. 14, ’09

Since President Obama decided to cancel an Eastern Europe missile shield, Russia has given hints that it’s open to tougher sanctions on Iran, quickly followed by objections to even threatening sanctions.

Paul Mirengoff at Powerline says President Dmitry Medvedev is adopting a clever strategy of Marx […]

Russia rejects talk about sanctions against Iran

BY TOM LASSETER Miami Herald Tuesday, 10.13.09

MOSCOW — If Hillary Clinton was hoping to win Russian support for efforts to use a threat of sanctions to pressure Iran to come clean about its nuclear ambitions, her first trip to Moscow as secretary of state got off to a rocky start Tuesday.

Russia’s foreign minister, […]

The view of Barack Obama from France and Great Britain

Posted by Curt at French President Tells Obama “We Live In The Real World” September 26, 2009

You know its bad when the French are tougher then the United States….The full remarks of French President Sarkozy:

France fully supports your initiative to organize this meeting and the efforts you undertook with Russia to reduce […]
