Those Ebola Vaccines in Testing Now? You Can Thank Dick Cheney for That

Melissa Quinn The Daily Signal 10/24/2014

Democrats looking to blame Republicans for the lack of an Ebola vaccine may owe Dick Cheney an apology.

It turns out that as vice president, Cheney was the driving force behind more funding for the National Institutes of Health that helped lead to the development of Ebola vaccines being […]

NIH Official: Democrats Wrong to Blame Budget Cuts for Lack of Ebola Vaccine

The Washington Free Beacon 10/19/2014

NIH immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci said that one “cannot say” that the lack of an Ebola vaccine is due to budget cuts.

A campaign ad that surfaced Monday blames the GOP for cutting for recent Ebola deaths, boldly declaring “Republican cuts kill.”

Facui told Meet the Press host Chuck Todd […]

President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She?

Mollie Hemingway The Federalist 10/14/2014

…nobody has even discussed the fact that the federal government not ten years ago created and funded a brand new office in the Health and Human Services Department specifically to coordinate preparation for and response to public health threats like Ebola. The woman who heads that office, and reports directly […]

'Origami' condoms, Michelle Obama gardening games and poop-throwing chimps: NIH spent millions on wacky projects but now complains cuts killed off Ebola vaccine research

The NIH budget included $2.4 million for a new condom design whose inventor is now being investigated for fraud Another $939,000 taught scientists that male fruit flies prefer younger females $257,000 went to create a companion website for first lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden It cost $592,000 to determine that chimpanzees with the […]

CDC Director: Ebola in Africa now an ‘epidemic,’ ‘completely out of control’

Noah Rothman Hot Air 9/2/2014

Centers for Disease Control Director Tom Friedman did not return from his visit to West Africa, where the worst outbreak of Ebola in history has spread to five countries and killed at least 1,500 people, with any good news.

Friedman told CNN hosts on Tuesday that the Ebola outbreak in […]

Yes, this is really a federally-funded study…

Feds spend $1.5m to study lesbian obesity

Jessica Chasmar The Washington Times 3/12/2013

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is spending $1.5 million to study the “high public-health significance” of why 75 percent of lesbian women are obese and gay men are not, CNS News reports.

“Obesity is one of the most critical public health […]
