A True Description of Fascism

Rocking MrE YouTube 11/10/2013

Fascism – a collectivist ideology that has nothing to do with ‘capitalism’.

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Website: http://www.rockingphilosophy.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RockingMrE Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/RockingMrE Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109302165…

A grid comparison of communism and fascism:





Farage: We face the prospect of mass civil unrest, even revolution

europarl YouTube 5/9/2012

The transcript of the speech is included on YouTube.

Related: GBTV – The Glenn Beck Program – Nazis’ Rise In Greece and GBTV – The Glenn Beck Radio Program – Nazis Control 20 Percent of Greek Gov’t

Also, Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe

…Glenn noted that the […]
