The Truth About the BLM - Bundy Ranch Dispute Explained

therealTrippleB YouTube 4/12/2014

H/T KrisAnne Hall:

“What is the BLM? What authority does it have? And why are so many people outraged over its actions?

The Bureau of Land Management is a Bureaucratic Agency created under the Department of Interior in 1976. It has the power to REGULATE ALL “Permitted Uses” of land in the […]

Reid: People who support Bundy are 'domestic terrorists'

I know. We’re just as shocked as you are. ~CAJ  

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 4/17/2014

As the Examiner has already noted previously, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Senate Majority Leader, referred to rancher Cliven Bundy as a “domestic terrorist.” But Reid has now included anyone who supports Bundy in that wide swath of malicious […]

Inside the Bundy Ranch standoff: The stakes go far beyond cattle

Andrew Malcolm 4/15/2014

It was a tense standoff in rural Nevada with armed protesters closing I-15 for a while and facing off against even more heavily-armed federal agents.

For now, that volatile Bundy Ranch confrontation has been defused. But it’s not over by any means. And we may well experience others that do not […]

What Cliven Bundy told Glenn Beck

Nevada Rancher: “I did not graze my cattle on United States property”

Glenn Beck 4/14/2014

Over the weekend, the ongoing conflict between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a federal agency that administers public land, came to a seeming conclusion when the BLM stood down and released Bundy’s cattle over […]

Feds End Standoff on Bundy Ranch

Elizabeth Harrington The Washington Free Beacon 4/12/2014

The federal government has given up on its roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle on public land in Nevada, ending a tense standoff between the family and hundreds of armed officials who surrounded the ranch.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) cited safety concerns in a statement released Saturday, […]

Has the government restricted airspace over Bundy Ranch?

U.S. govt. bans air traffic over Bundy Ranch in desperate blackout effort to hide secret BLM ‘bovine concentration camps’

Mike Adams Natural News 4/12/2014

Desperate to halt all journalism efforts near the Bundy Ranch and “control the narrative” of lies and disinfo, the U.S. government has now banned air traffic over the ranch, preventing journalists […]
