Why liberals are panicked about Obamacare

Charles Krauthammer The Washington Post 11/14/2013

…At stake, however, is more than the fate of one presidency or of the current Democratic majority in the Senate. At stake is the new, more ambitious, social-democratic brand of American liberalism introduced by Obama, of which Obamacare is both symbol and concrete embodiment.

Precisely when the GOP was […]

Elizabeth Warren Dips into FDR’s Bag of Dirty Tricks

Buying the votes of welfare recipients in most blatant way.

Burton Folsom, Jr. Anita Folsom The American Spectator 8/13/2012

“If we give you taxpayer dollars, you give us your vote. Okay?” That seems to be the message promoted by Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic candidate for Senate in Massachusetts.

In an effort to stuff welfare recipients […]

Who else, Mr. President?

Obama’s changed. Gone is that young knight drawing the sword from the stone, selling Hopium to the adoring media, preaching an end to the broken politics of the past. These days, he wears a new presidential persona: the multimillionaire with the Chicago clout, playing the class warrior, fighting for that second term.



Chief Justice Says States Have Compromised Their Sovereignty

Jack Kenny The New American 29 March 2012

Chief Justice John Roberts said Wednesday what has long been known but seldom spoken. During the third and final day of Supreme Court hearings on whether the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is unconstitutional, Roberts said states have been compromising their sovereignty for decades […]

America Before the Entitlement State

Yaron Brook and Don Watkins Forbes.com 11/18/2011

Reacting to calls for cuts in entitlement programs, House Democrat Henry Waxman fumed: “The Republicans want us to repeal the twentieth century.” Sound bites don’t get much better than that. After all, the world before the twentieth century–before the New Deal, the New Frontier, the Great Society–was a […]

The Constitutional Liberty We Lost

Legal scholar David Mayer explains why liberty of contract is about more than economics

Brian Doherty Reason Magazine 2/9/2011

“For a period of exactly 40 years, from 1897 to 1937, the Supreme Court protected liberty of contract as a fundamental right, one aspect of the basic right to liberty safeguarded under the Constitution’s due process […]
