Feds Close Most of Northeast to Cod Fishing

Douglas Main Newsweek 11/13/2014

Kiss that New England cod goodbye. At least for now.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has closed off most of the waters off the Northeast coast to cod fishing for the next six months, effective November 13. It’s the largest closure of its kind for cod in history, and […]

The scandal of fiddled global warming data

The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record

Christopher Booker The Telegraph [UK] 21 June 2014

When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the […]

Sorry John Kerry, I know the world is round and that global warming is a fraud

Phineas Sister Toldjah 2/17/2014

So, having spewed thousands of pounds of harmful greenhouse gasses (1) to fly to Indonesia to warn against the evils of Man-caused climate change, Secretary of State Kerry had this to say:

Kerry, who has framed global warming as a centerpiece of his diplomatic agenda, kicked off a tour in Jakarta, […]

Shameless Dem Senators stand on corpses in Oklahoma to push climate agenda

US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse From Rhode Island Provides Erroneous Information To American Public in Global Warming Rant

Just The Facts Watts Up With That? 5/20/2013

First, I’m sure I speak for everyone at WUWT when I say that our hearts go out to all the families in Oklahoma affected by the weather tragedy there today.


Social Security Administration Requests Massive Amounts of .357 Ammo — But Why?

Jason Howerton The Blaze 8/15/2012

First the Department of Homeland Security ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition, then the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) submitted an order for 46,000 rounds of high powered ammo, and now Business Insider reports that the Social Security Administration is asking to purchase 174,000 rounds of .357 Sig 125 grain […]

‘Climate Consensus’ Data Need a More Careful Look

Letters to the Editor The Wall Street Journal 8/13/2012

In his Aug. 6 op-ed, “A New Climate-Change Consensus,” Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp speaks of “the trend—a decades-long march toward hotter and wilder weather.” We have seen quite a few such claims this summer season, and Mr. Krupp insists that we accept them as […]
