Quote of the day, the #Occupy edition

18 November 2011

A photo from Occupy LA posted by Not Evil Just Wrong on Facebook. Note the fashionable Maoist cap.

Who doesn’t love dictators who’ve slaughtered more than 100 million of their own people?

Some good news: journalism finally beats censorship on YouTube

29 July 2011

This morning on the Facebook page of Not Evil Just Wrong Phelim McAleer wrote:

Some good weekend news: After a lengthy appeal process, YouTube has restored our video in which @Phelim McAleer got @Josh Fox to admit that he withheld key facts in his Gasland documentary. Journalism beats censorship. Please share!

So, […]

Ann McElhinney at 2011 RightOnline

RightOnline 6/21/11

Related: At New Zeal Trevor Loudon has video of Michele Bachmann’s speech at Right Online.

Prince Charles is an “eco-hypocrite,” film-maker claims

Guy Adams The Independent 3 May 2011

After the delights of last week’s royal wedding, back to the day job for Prince Charles, who will be arriving in Washington in the coming days to a full-frontal assault from some of America’s noisiest climate change sceptics.

Phelim McAleer, an Irish-born film-maker, who lives in Los […]

Irish Filmmaker, Ann McElhinney, is Confronting Eco-Hypocrisy

Stephen Kruiser Kruiser Control PJTV 3/14/2011

Ann McElhinney visits PJTV to talk about her documentary, Not Evil Just Wrong. She challenged Al Gore on global warming, and is challenging conservatives to tell their side of the story when it comes to global warming. McElhinney thinks that many celebrity environmentalists are just hypocrites with supersized carbon […]

The Tea Party is more dangerous than Muslim Brotherhood

noteviljustwrong 2/6/2011

Ann McElhinney talking to a protester at a pro-Egypt rally during Super Bowl weekend in Los Angeles, CA.

CAJ note: Two of our favorite comments on NEJW’s YouTube page:

–As an Irish American and a huge Red Sox fan ……I would like to apologize for the actions of this nut. He is […]
