When a Disruptive Michael Brown Protest Put Him at Risk of Losing His Job, He Got Out of His Car and Had This to Say

Jason Howerton The Blaze 11/28/2014

Editor’s Note: This story contains strong language; viewer discretion is advised.

Demonstrators protesting a grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown brought San Diego’s I-5 to a halt as many residents were on their way to work Wednesday morning.


Connecticut Bureaucrats Battle After Man Declines to Show Gun Permit

J.D. Tuccille Reason.com 10/3/2014

If you need any further evidence of the stupidity of turning a right that you can exercise at will into a privilege that requires official permission and paperwork, cast your eyes on the case of Scott Lazurek and the bureaucratic battle being waged over his gun permit. In a dispute that […]

Gun Rally Brings Thousands of Supporters to State Capitol

CBS Local News Connecticut 4/5/2014

HARTFORD (CBS Connecticut) _ An estimated crowd of more than 3,000 gun rights supporters rallied outside the State Capitol Saturday in opposition to gun control measures passed a year ago in response to the Sandy Hook School Tragedy.

Among those attending the rally was Bill Stevens, a Newtown father who […]

Small RI town seeks recall of town council over obstruction of concealed carry permits

Exeter, Rhode Island has certified a recall election of all four Democratic Town Council members.

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William A. Jacobson Legal Insurrection 10/18/2013

Exeter, Rhode Island, is a town of about 6000 residents.

When the town council proposed handing off issuance of concealed carry permits to the State Attorney General’s office, town residents […]

Does open-carry gun ban make California safer?

California Gov. Jerry Brown cited concerns of law enforcement in signing a bill to ban open carry in the state. But critics say there’s little evidence that stronger gun control leads to lower crime.

Daniel B. Wood The Christian Science Monitor 10/11/2011

Gov. Jerry Brown’s decision to ban the open carrying of handguns puts […]

MSNBC makes “open-carry” about racism against the President

MSNBC talking-heads seem to be foaming at the mouth about white racism, “hatred for Obama,” and Second Amendment rights:

But, remember, this is the angry “white person with a gun,” they’re telling their viewers about:

This is irresponsible and disgraceful behavior by a major media outlet.

