ISIS militant announces his marriage to terrified 7-year old in occupied city in Syria

The Muslim Issue 8/3/2014

…Obama, UK and EU being their ally, is funding the spread of terror to corner small children like her to become rape victims to terrorists who have no age limit to their Islamic pedophilia. Your tax monies are being used for this evil. The West must BAN all trade, weapons sales, […]

Hillary Clinton's State Department swept sex scandals under the rug

Kate Briquelet The New York Post 10/20/2013

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Months after whistleblowers accused the State Department of covering up employee sex scandals, most of the cases have been ignored or swept under the rug, critics charge.

Records show that staffers were given cushy jobs or allowed to retire, and watchdogs say the feds […]

Coming to a School Near You: Common Core Approved Child Pornography

Rachel Pulaski Guest Blogger The Gateway Pundit 8/23.2013

Common Core Education has sparked political controversy since the U.S. Department of Education decided to adopt its curriculum nationwide in both public and private schools. The Common Core website lists “exemplar texts” by grade which they recommend for reading and one in particular has some parents taking […]

Islamic states reject UN’s attempt to protect women; it violates Sharia Law

Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 6/16/2013

The Kuwait News Agency KUNA reported that the Islamic member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council formally rejected provisions of a council resolution condemning and calling for the elimination of violence against women because those provision violate Sharia law.

The Islamic member states objected to, for example, the […]

State Department has hired agents with criminal records, memo reveals

S. A. Miller and Geoff Earle The New York Post 6/13/2013

The State Department has hired an alarming number of law-enforcement agents with criminal or checkered backgrounds because of a flawed hiring process, a stunning memo obtained by The Post reveals.

The background problems are severe enough that many of the roughly 2,000 agents in […]

State Department Whistleblower, a Career Foreign Service Officer, Seeks Congressional Protection After State Threatens Her Kids

Bryan Preston PJ Tatler PJ Media 6/12/2013

The State Department whistleblower is Aurelia Fedenisn. She worked in the department’s inspector general’s office until her retirement in December 2012. According to USA Today, she has sought protection as an official whistleblower after the State Department directly threatened her, once at her home. It threatened her with […]
