Let's Restore the Culture of the Declaration of Independence

Gary Wolfram Investors.com 7/2/2015

…Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek noted in his book “The Constitution of Liberty” that a free society demands more than any other that people be held responsible for their actions. If you are going to be free to act according to your own plan, then you must accept the consequences of your […]

Another College Campus, More Pitchfork Justice

A university president loses his job for giving young women advice on how to avoid sexual assault.

John Fund National Review Online 12/7/2014

In the wake of the collapse of the Rolling Stone“gang rape” story last week, it’s time to consider what happened last month to Robert Jennings, the outgoing president of suburban Philadelphia’s Lincoln […]

Bill Whittle — Make Him Own It: Why You Must Vote in the Midterms

Bill Whittle PJ Media YouTube 10/23/2014

Obama can’t lose this election. Already re-elected, he’s in for another 2 years. So, why should you vote in the Midterms?   . .




Minister’s passionate rant to black community goes viral: Stop blaming ‘police and white folk’

Richard Berkow BizPac Review 8/16/2014

A voice in the wilderness has been heard, as black Minister Johnathan Gentry’s rant against the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri went viral this week and catapulted him into the public eye.

Gentry’s six-minute diatribe posted on Facebook Wednesday exploded across social media when he lambasted the black community in Ferguson […]

Why the Iron Lady Continues to Inspire

Nile Gardiner The Foundry Heritage.org 4/8/2014

Great Britain’s Iron Lady passed away a year ago today, on April 8, 2013. Her death, at the age of 87, left a huge void on the world stage, one that may never be filled. Margaret Thatcher was a political titan who transformed her home nation from the “sick […]

Generation Cupcake Does The Crime, Doesn’t Do The Time

Michael Graham The Natural Truth 12/13/2013

“Affluenza” is just another way to say “Generation Cupcake”–spoiled snowflakes who’ve been sheltered their entire lives and have no notion of personal responsibility. Like this guy:

“Affluenza,” the affliction cited by a psychologist to argue that a North Texas teenager from a wealthy family should not be sent […]
